Kosmický žirafáč (translated in english would be something like "cosmic girafeeman") is a one-man show project for older children (and adults, who can perceive like children) of Jaroslav Noga, drummer and music composer based in Prague, Czech Republic. Genre is something undefineable – there is a plot, a story of a cosmic girafeeman, who stole a spaceship Hvezdur with Mr Computer on board, to reach the golden LP from Voyager 1 before somebody uses it against us and who is fighting bad pop radio songs during this mission. So the music is a mixture of spoken words, poetry, electronica, jazz, dadaism and sounds beyond all terms. It was a big opportunity for me, because the style I had developed for illustrations, was completely understood and supported by the author. The work was crowdfunded. It was a huge pleasure for me to work on this project.